Crush [Song]Writer's Block Free Preview

Melody Hidden in Words

This exercise is so much fun because you can do it anywhere! You are merely finding the melody inherent in everyday speech. Experts say that song existed before language. It's no wonder that everything we say has a natural rhythm, and melody baked into it.

Workshop Instructions

  1. Pick any written source material. It can be a free-write from a previous exercise, the newspaper, a twitter post, or Wikipedia.
  2. Set your timer for 10 minutes and hit record on your recording device.
  3. Apply the melody Hidden in Words technique to as many words and phrases as possible. Start with two-syllable words and work your way up to short phrases
  4. Intermediate/advanced: If you have the skillset to add chords to your melodies, please do so.
  5. Post your work in the main feed.

This is one of five tools that we will master together.

How to get the Early Bird special.

The course is available inside the 100 Days of Songwriting membership. Before you can access the course you will need to first become a member.

Click Free month
