Here is one of our many members who have brought life to our community. We are grateful to see the process and progress our members share with us, and we are honored to give them the spotlight! Their story is our story. Read on to be inspired by our latest Member Highlight interview…
Meet Robin

Robin is from Deming, WA, USA.
What do you do during the day?
I get to work with kids, this year it is 2nd and 3rd graders, mostly on reading skills, but often I get to run music/art classes from a curriculum I have been assembling, and it is always heart-filling. Up until the pandemic, I was in 4 musical groups, now I have only 1 (if that) rehearsal a week, and few gigs. Sigh. But.. silver lining, I joined this community that is really filling me up!
Is there anything surprising about your musical tastes?
If I had been born in the 40's I just know I would have written show tunes for lovely old musicals. I don't know how surprising that is...
I always think I will go back and pick up all these musical scraps I have collected and finish old work, but new things pop up all the time. My best writing moments come when I am in my car. Phone recorders are lovely! If I am working deep on a song, it becomes my favorite and I work it obsessively until it is done. I keep up with finished and nearly finished songs in a beautiful binder that my daughter decorated for me. Somehow making it into the binder carries weight as a real song.
Who are your influences? How have they shaped you?
My children inspire me always. They are kind and creative and so good to me, they support every venture I undertake and give great feedback.
What challenge are you facing with songwriting?
I am a total novice on the guitar, but without all my bandmates around to help me chordally develop my songs, I have had to accompany myself and imagine all the beautiful licks I have no way to play. I have a tendency to stay in my comfort zone instrumentally, which often results in my verses and chorus sounding too similar. I am learning tricks to change this thanks to Shane's critique workshops, Also, I have always faced the challenge of promoting my material to others who could really sing and play it well.
Tell us an early memory about a song that woke something up inside you.
My first 45 was Judy Garland singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow", and the B side was "(Dear Mr. Gable) You Made Me Love You". I played these both incessantly on this little red turntable and I knew I sang just like Judy.
What Day of 100 is your piece from?
day 48, (I think)
About the song:
I am working on this simple song and I have this idea to take my homeliest (in the homey cozy sense) little works and compile them into a "Back Porch Concert" series. Just before the pandemic started closing things down, I put together a "Women I Have Loved" house concert series and it went over very well.
Sweet Octoberby Robin Wallbridge 2021
Oh sweet October, summer is overAnd all the colors on the hill hold a surpriseOh sweet October, you had to know herShe wove a scarf of Autumn leaves around my eyes
Even when the skies are grey the leaves are dancing downEven when the rains have come there’s gold upon the groundThe fog is in the mountains, there’s beauty to be foundI think I love October most of all
Oh sweet October, winter is closerAnd all the grapes have turned to sugar on the vineOh sweet October, you had to know herShe filled my throat with deepest purple winter wine
Soon the leaves will turn to mud and hitchhike on my bootsThe sun retires, the wind and rain are surely in cahootsAnd Green has wandered down to spend her winter in the rootsI think I love October most of all
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